Did you know that there is a special flag to celebrate the holiday Juneteenth? This holiday marks the day that the last enslaved people in the United States learned of their freedom after the Civil War. The design of the flag was first drafted in 1997. It includes the colors red, white, and blue of the US flag and star representing the star of Texas with a border representing the star “bursting with new freedom” in honor of the June 19, 1865 proclamation of freedom that was made in Galveston, Texas. You can celebrate Juneteenth at home by making your own Juneteenth flag using paper and glue!
Parents, get started by downloading and printing the craft template.

To get started you will need three pieces of paper (red, white, and blue), scissors, and glue. After printing out the template, cut it out so that you have the waving flag piece, the star, and the star outline.

Using the template, trace and cut out one piece of blue paper and one piece of red paper to resemble a waving flag.

After the pieces are cut out, glue them together so that they overlap slightly. The blue piece is the top of the flag.

After gluing together the red and blue pieces, glue on the star and the star outline.

You now have a waving Juneteenth flag that you can display at home!
Parents, we would love to see the final craft! Share your photo on social media and tag the African American Museum of Iowa (@BlackIowa) and use #JuneteenthAtHome. Happy crafting!