At the African American Museum of Iowa, we believe in the importance of sharing Iowa’s black history year-round. Too often in our schools and media, the rich stories of black history are saved for February. We know that Black History Month is an important time to highlight these stories, but we also know that it is essential to represent diverse voices throughout the year. That is why we strive to share these stories through engaging exhibits, educational programs, and traveling resources that reach over 30,000 people annually. We rely on generous supporters like you to continue to do this important work. When you make a gift to the AAMI, you are supporting the only museum in the state dedicated exclusively to preserving Iowa’s African American history and ensuring that we can continue to share these stories with generations to come.
We encourage you to use this page to learn more about how your gift can help to support preservation, education, and conversations about Iowa’s African American heritage. To learn more about how your gifts are used, you can view our 2018 annual report. You can also use our Not Just February video series to hear from supporters about the value of celebrating black history year-round.