dwb (driving while black) is a new opera from composer Susan Kander and librettist Roberta Gumbel. This piece is montage of poetic and haunting moments examining the trials and triumphs Black mothers experience as their children come of age in a society plagued by racism and inequality (runtime: 45 min).
Tickets are free but reservations are required.
A moderated discussion will immediately follow the performance. This discussion will include moderator, Karl Cassell, (Divisional Vice President, IHP, Affordable Heating & Cooling), and panelists Betty Johnson (Co-founder, First Light Christian Fellowship), James “Corye” Johnson, MSW (Special Assignment Racial Equity Racial Justice Coordinator, US Department of Veteran Affairs), and Sha’Nell Young, MS, Ed. (Washington High School Counselor, Cedar Rapids Community School District). A reception will follow the discussion.
dwb is presented in partnership between the Des Moines Metro Opera and the the African American Museum of Iowa as part of the African American Museum of Iowa’s Juneteenth Commemoration. To see our full list of sponsors and all planned events, visit: www.blackiowa.org/Juneteenth.